What is The Art of Things

Travel and More


What is The Art of Things? Where minimalism is reducing stuff and clutter in our lives, The Art of Things is about the things we have, why we have them, and why we love them. At the root of the Art of Things is behaviors. There are bad behaviors which leads to us buying stuff. Then there are positive and good behaviors that reduces the stuff we have to the fewer things we have. Through understanding our behaviors and habits, we can naturally replace stuff with things we love.

The Art of Things is about less but better. I love watches, but I have one good watch (a Omega Seamaster 300 a 1957 special edition). So rather than having 10 watches which are $50-300, I have one nice watch.

The Art of Things holds as a principle, hobbies and professional activities are different. It is OK to have more things for your passions and professional activities, without breaking minimalism rules. If baking is your passion and you have more baking gear (within reason of course). However, if you do not ever bake and have 5 cake mixers, that is stuff and not OK. It is the action of your passion that matters and things just tools to pursue them.

That is The Art of Things in nutshell.