
I have lettuce, parsley, and Kale, which sprung to life from last years garden. Each found their way to a new spot in the garden and just grew. So, I transplanted them to the raised beds.

 I think when we practice good behaviors and karma we also grow naturally. Good life habits and choices have a cumulative effect. The more that we life well and cause no harm, that helps use grow naturally. These good habits create positive energy that builds on itself and does not waste effort or energy.

 Bad behaviors and causes do the opposite, I think. Just as too much spending on a credit card when you do not already have the money causes us to fall behind financially, bad behaviors and karma choices causes use to lose ground financially. Other behaviors have the same effect. When we lie, we must expend energy and effort to get the lies up.

 When we make good choices and act and behave well, it looks like we are getting places without a lot of effort. Part of that is the energy we are using to do things is not wasted. We gain ground instead or losing it with poor actions. People think he/she always have their shit together.

 And I think we have more energy, feel better and look better.

 No one is perfect and it can be hard to know good karma from bad from person to person. But, if we try to be positive, objective, and use good behaviors and make good karma causes, the good will overcome the bad, and we will be a head.


What makes you think it was normal before?


It all begins with an idea