The want to spend

It can be too easy to buy something. It is easy to think I am just buying this one thing; and it is does not cost much and I have the money.

 I saw a Spyderco pocketknife with a brass handle. It is setup that I like, all metal and no plastic. But I already have a Benchmade all metal knife. I felt the pull to buy. I know I want it. However, want and need are two different things. We cannot buy everything. We should not buy everything.

 It is a hard behavior to change wanting to buy things. It takes an effort to stop the impulse to buy. There are baked in learned behaviors to buy. It is like any habit that we want to change. It is a process of learning and building new habits to replace the old behaviors. It is not easy. There is a lifetime of internal logics!

 ·      I have the money

·      It does not cost that much

·      I do not have one like this

·      It has been a tough month

·      I have been good reducing spending this month

 The next think I know I would have 15 knives and be mad I fell into that.

 But I will say that if collecting something like knives, and you are not excessive about it, I think that is OK. We just must be good about being selective with that. The line from a collection of things too stuff, is a small one.

 And are we truly making a, once in a while purchase? Often, I fell into selectively filtering out that my occasional was happening so often it was not occasional. But if we have everything else in order adding another thing is OK.

 Just remember that the place of things can turn into a mountain of stuff fast and the behaviors and habits we create are hard to undo.


The Past is the past – it is the future we are now building


What makes you think it was normal before?