The Past is the past – it is the future we are now building
There have been all kinds of crappy mean and nutty things we humans have done through the beginning of time. Things from the simple huh? To true evil. We have used all sorts of justifications, reasons, lies, half-truths, to full lies but prove it, or get me to admit it.
As much as we want to think we each are ok and have very good reasons for the less than good things we say and do, face it if anyone ever truly must stand and account for their behavior before something that is all knowing (for real), that will suck and not be all that pleasant.
The choice is how we will act today, the next day, and thousands of more days moving forward. They say if we change our things in many different areas by 1% at a time we will greatly improve. Our behaviors and results will little by little improve and we will grow.
Some things from the past must be answered for. But no settlement will change the future if we do not also improve each of ourselves individually. There is no real fixing the past. There is no being made right without change. The bad parts of our hearts and minds do not change without everyone trying to change.
We all have emotions that tend to cloud reality. We want what cannot really happen. And we hate how we must be responsible for our own feelings and self.
So, the best we can do is each try to improve things by 1% each day and forward.